Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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Prof.(Dr.)   C.T Aravindakumar,

Vice Chancellor &  Chairman, IQAC

Dr.Robinet Jacob, Director, IQAC
Dr. Sylas V.P  ,Joint Director, IQAC


                                                                            Members of IQAC

Head of the Institution and Senior Officers

1. Prof.(Dr.) C.T. Aravindakumar, Vice Chancellor – Chairman

2. Dr. K Jayachandran, Registrar-in-Charge – Member

3. Dr. Sreejith C.M., Controller of Examinations – Member

4. Sri. Biju Mathew, Finance Officer – Member

5. Dr. Robinet Jacob, Professor, School of Tourism Studies-Director IQAC

6.Dr. Sylas V.P., Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Sciences -Joint Director IQAC.

Nominee from Management

7. Dr. Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Senior Professor, School of Pure & Applied Physics


8.   Prof.(Dr.) Beena Mathew, Senior Professor, School of Chemical Sciences

9.  Prof.(Dr.) Bismi Gopalakrishnan, Professor, School of Indian Legal Thought

10.Prof.(Dr.) Harikumaran Nair R, Professor, School of BioSciences

11.Prof.(Dr.) Santhosh P. Thampi, Professor, School of Management and Business Studies

12.Prof.(Dr.) Sajimon Abraham, Professor, School of Management and Business Studies

13.Dr. Saji Mathew, Assistant Professor, School of Letters

14.Dr. Toney K. Thomas, Assistant Professor, School of Tourism Studies

Nominee from local Body

15. President, Athirampuzha Grama Panchyath

Nominee from Students

16. Chairman / Chair Person, Mahatma Gandhi University Department Student Union

Nominee from Alumni

17. Josmin Jose, Assistant Professor, Department Chemistry, Marthoma College,

Nominee from Industrialist/ Employers

18. Dr. Sreeraj Gopi, Chief Scientist, Plant Lipids Pvt. (Ltd.), Kolenchery, Ernakulam

19. Mr. P.K.Mohammed, (91 4437182470) Chief Advisor R & D, Appolo Tyres Ltd., B-25  Sipool Industrial Growth Centre, Oragadam, Sriperumbudur – 602 105,Tamilnadu.

Nominee from Stake Holders

20. Smt, Jolly John, Madathiparambil, Punnamoodu, Mavelikkara P.O., Alappuzha –
690 101
21. Dr. Biveesh U.C., State Nodal Officer & Research Officer, RUSA, State Project
Directorate, Thiruvananthapuram.